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4 steps to find your Ukrainian love.
You have decided to take a Ukrainian woman as a wife. Most probably you have already tried different marriage agencies on the Internet and corresponded with women, but you are still searching.
Here we want to give you some practical advises which will show you the shortest way to success in a Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency. The following manual was written according to the long term experience in the marriage business and all its points are checked practically.
All starts from your profile. There must be as much truthful information as possible about you, your interests, your life, character, personality.
Your photos play an important role. As a main picture place the one that seems best to you, it will attract more women’s attention. Also it is recommended to place pictures of your house or apartment, and the latest pictures of yours (preferably with a date on them).
The more pictures are in your profile, the better.
Correspondence is the beginning of your communication with a woman, who can become your wife in the future. That is why treat your correspondence seriously, it is the herald of your personality.
However, write your letters easily, naturally. Let the correspondence become a fun for you. Open your personality.
If lady asks you, honestly disclose your advantages and disadvantages, bad habits. Let her to be ready to accept you as you are. This way no unpleasant surprises will appear when you will be together.
Do not protract correspondence for too long, whatever beautiful it was. Your main point is marriage; don’t forget that correspondence is just the first step to your goal. It happens that a couple corresponds for several years without meeting and he is still not brave enough to come. It is not right.
During correspondence, give the signs of attention to your lady. Order her flowers and gifts. She will be very happy to receive even the small ones, her eyes will shine with gladness. Your presents will remind her about you every day, and the distance between you will not seem so far. Believe, your care and attention will be highly appreciated!
Before coming, notify your lady in advance for 3-4 weeks minimum, so she could free her time for you.
Usually the marriage agencies help you with accommodation and translations, so you do not have to worry about this. That’s why concentrate maximally on how to make a good impression on a lady.
Take care of how you look. You need to look accurately and orderly, even if your clothes have just flown over the ocean in a fully stuffed suitcase. Make your things look orderly, also use a good perfume. In general, be on top of your appearance.
For the first meeting a bouquet of flowers will be a definite plus. Ukrainian women love flowers very much. Also you can bring a present. Choose something special, not necessarily expensive. Let the memory of you stay with her when you leave.
Please remember that first impression is very important!
On the first date you can take a lady to a comfortable restaurant, where you can communicate in calm and cozy atmosphere, where nobody can prevent you. The qualified agency personnel will help you to choose a restaurant.
At date behave naturally and easy, don’t worry, relax. Talk to a lady about everything you want, ask her the questions you are interested in. Don’t hurry; don’t ask at once about some intimate and private topics.
Read a big article with video about how to have a perfect first date in UFMA blog.
Behave in conversation and actions like a gentleman, women value that very much.
During the meetings, find out her interests. Take her to the places she likes and feels all right at. Those might be: theatres, cinemas, museums, fairs, exhibitions, parks, going out to nature, active rest, horses riding, billiards, bowling, aqua park, sauna, disco, cafe etc. Read more about interesting places in our city here "About Kharkov City".
You might take a lady to a shop and buy her some clothes, showing her your care and responsibility. Prices in our shops are not high and you won’t spend much.
Lady might invite you home to meet her family. When you will be going to her home, take a cake or a nice box of candies with you, it’s such a habit in Ukraine to bring sweets. You can take small gifts for everybody also.
After several meetings, when you feel that your relationships are developing and you like to be in the company of each other, catch a moment and make her a proposal. Don’t worry and do it bravely as you have come just to her and from so far and you want to take her, the wonderful woman with you and to share life with her. Let success be with you!
Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA)©
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