How to Contact a Lady
Find out how to start chat with beautiful Ukrainian ladies.
Probably you have already viewed our Gallery of Ladies and you liked some lady or maybe all of them. And you wished to get to know her better.
If you decided to write a letter to a Lady, it’s very easy to do. You don’t have to spend a lot of time for the ordinary mail correspondence. Our site is equipped with convenient mailbox system, located in your Profile.
Please first Register Free on our site. You will get an individual profile, containing the Mailbox. There you will be able to write letters, read the incoming mail and reply to it at once.
Each letter of yours will be printed out and handed personally to a Lady. To make your correspondence similar to correspondence of people talking the same language and to transmit all shades of your feelings, we have professional translators working for our company.
To correspond with a Lady you will need e-mail Credits, which you can purchase here: Purchase e-mail Credits.
One Credit includes:
• translation of your letter into Russian/Ukrainian language and printing it out for a Lady;
• translation of Lady’s letter into English language, typing and sending to your mailbox.
Correspondence scheme:
PLEASE NOTE: don’t include any contact information into your letters (phone numbers, address, e-mail address etc.) All information of this kind will be removed from the letters, while leaving the remaining text intact.
If you want to exchange contact information with a Lady, you can do it during a Skype video chat or a personal meeting.
Please see all additional information concerning the payment methods here: Other ways of payment.
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