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Terms of service
Online payments for services and gifts via our site
Security issues
How to order a service or a gift
How to make a payment
Rendering of services, gifts’ delivery
Rules of changes
Orders cancellations and refunds
Privacy Policy
Services and registrations are allowed only for users of 18 full years old and above. The profiles of underaged users, if registered, will be banned.
We care about our clients in all issues, concerning our work and cooperation with a client. A special attention is paid to the security of Internet payments. We cooperate with approved and reliable partners to provide the qualitative and effective service for our clients.
Our site is connected to eCommerceConnect Gateway payment server – the largest Ukrainian Processing Center and we offer to our clients the possibility of secure and comfortable payment for services with the help of a credit card via Internet. The Ukrainian Processing Center and the bank we work with were the first in Ukraine who were certified in the worldwide Visa system.
- Visa (Visa 3-D Secure specification; name of marketing program – Verified by Visa);
For the purpose of ensuring the necessary level of security, prevention the fraudulent operations and financial losses of the Internet deals’ participants, both specifications are based on the same basic principle of the reciprocal payment participants’ authentication. The principal is realized with the help of the three domains system (3-D).
The purpose of Issuer Domain is the following. Before performing an authorization, i.e. the card’s paying capacity check, the issuer bank, performs the customer’s (cardholder’s) authentication. The responsibility for the authentication and originality of a transaction is on an issuer bank.
The purpose of Acquirer Domain is the following. The servicing bank performs an authentication of the e-shop using the policy and methods, prescribed by the servicing bank (i.e. the responsibility for the e-shop authentication is on the servicing bank).
The purpose of Interoperability Domain is the following. It determines the guidance and the policy of the information exchange between domains Issuer domain and Acquirer Domain. It guarantees the mutual authentication of these two domains.
The card holder is in the Issuer Domain, and our Marriage Agency is in Acquirer Domain, who interact with the help of Interoperability Domain.
The model of three domains (3-D) clearly determines the responsibility of all participants of a transaction in the process of their. The main advantage of 3-D model is that the issuer has a possibility to provide the authentication of a client in any comfortable way.
The process of a purchase with the help of 3-D Secure system
1. A cardholder chooses the necessary goods or services on UkrainianFiancee.com site and a cardholder passes to the page of a credit card payment via a credit card;
2. UFMA passes the information about purchase and it’s cost to the payment server;
3. The payment server processes the request of UFMA in accordance to the 3-D Secure protocol. If a customer’s card is registered for making the secured e-payments based on 3-D Secure protocol, the payment is redirected to a special system of issuer bank;
4. Issuer bank with the help of this system performs the authentication of a cardholder by login and password;
5. The result of authentication returns to payment server;
6. Payment server organizes the authorization request to check card’s paying capacity and sends it to the central systems of the servicing bank;
7. The payment server passes to UFMA the answer, received from servicing bank;
8. If the answer is positive, UFMA performs an order by providing the ordered service or delivering a gift.
Online payments for services and gifts via our site
We accept the online payments by the following credit cards: Visa and Visa Electron. The cards may be issued by any bank of the world.
When you make an order via the payment server, UFMA is connected to; you do not pay any commission for using online payments.
The data of your credit card arrive directly to authorization server of the payment system. UFMA does not receive any information about the data of your credit card. The payment server of eCommerceConnect Gateway has the own SSL secured server for performing the online payments and they have the necessary licenses of the payment systems for all kinds of processing of payments.
Also see:
Important info about the payments’ processing technology
Security issues
1. The authorization method we use guarantees to our clients that the payment details of a card (number, expiry date, CVV2/CVC2) will not get to scammers as this data is not stored inside the merchant server of UkrainianFiancee.com site and therefore can’t be stolen from there;
2. A client inputs the payment details not on UFMA site, but directly on the secured page of the processing center, so the data of his card won’t be available for UFMA staff. The process of payment like this is realized according to the security demands of the international billing systems for the e-shops transactions;
3. The security of the transferable info is guaranteed by the use of the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) ciphering protocol, and they can’t be intercepted while the process of passing through the connection channels;
4. The info about the details of a credit card, which is stored in a database of the payment center for the further processing, is additionally coded and can be read only by the authorized personnel;
5. The security of exchange of payment info between UFMA and payment center is guaranteed by the use of digital signature, which excludes the possibility of distortion or interception of the passing information;
6. So UFMA does not receive any information about the data of a client’s credit card.
How to order a service or a gift
1. Open the page which contains services or gifts: Purchase e– mail Credits, Gifts for Ladies, Introduction service;
2. Choose the necessary quantity of e-mail Credits or a necessary gift for a lady, edit the quantity if needed;
3. Click a small button Select, which is situated in front of a service or a gift. A service or a gift will be placed into your Basket, after that you can continue choosing services or gifts or you can proceed to your Basket; Gift photo Description of Price Select Open Basket a service/gift
4. To make an order, it’s necessary to click the “Open Basket” button. You will see the contents of the Basket, which can be changed or you can proceed placing an order;
5. After clicking the “Place Order” button, you will see the form to put in the data of your personal card.
After clicking the “Place Order” button, takes place the automatic passing to filling the form for order payment on the payment server of eCommerceConnect Gateway. On the server of the payment system you fill in the details of your credit card. UFMA does not receive any details of the credit cards – see the Security issues.
The details will be passed through the secured protocol to the Ukrainian processing center www.upc.ua.
After you input the details of your credit card and click the “Place Order” button, you will need to wait until the page with the results of authorization uploads. The message about the successful authorization means that your payment has passed; it guarantees the receiving and the further work on your order.
If a transaction is successful, the payment system sends a message to your e-mail address. After this UFMA performs your order. Or you can go via Dalpay.
In case of unsuccessful authorization, you will receive a notification which holds the type of mistake found and you will need to contact your bank of check the data you input.
Example of payment form
Recipient company: Marriage Agency UkrainianFiancee.com
Name of order: 3 E-mail Credits
Amount of order: $ 16,79
Purpose of payment: payment for an order in a Marriage Agency UkrainianFiancee.com
Please, fill in the details of your card:
Place Order
After the payment is confirmed, a client receives the confirmation (receipt) to e-mail address.
Rendering of services, gifts’ delivery
1. UFMA updates a profile with the ordered e-mail Credits within 1 business day since the moment of payment;
2. UFMA gives the gifts to ladies or delivers gifts home (if ordered) within 3 business days since the moment of payment. If lady is not in the city or can’t receive a gift for her reasons, a gift is delivered as soon as possible;
3. Special note for Introduction service. If you have never corresponded with any of our ladies, please contact us before ordering Introduction service. You need to fully accept the Agreement before meeting a lady. Please contact us to receive one before your arrival.
We present to lady exactly the gift you have ordered!
In exceptional cases we have the right of equivalent change of floral, packing or other materials with the condition of keeping the appearance, colors and cost of the gift. The appearance of the gifts we deliver may lightly differ from the samples, placed on the site pictures. From our side we necessary provide the high quality of the gifts.
The conditions of services’ rendering and gifts’ delivery, which are puplished on site UkrainianFiancee.com, are a public offer. While placing and paying for an order, you express agreement with the conditions of performing a delivery and with the theses of the following documents: Rules of changes, Orders cancellations and refunds, Rendering of services, gifts’ delivery.
Orders cancellations and refunds
A gift or service, ordered with the help of a credit card can not be cancelled and the funds can not be refunded. Alternatively, you can change the service to the one of equivalent value by written request by email.
The payments are processed through the secured channels and with the help of approved licensed technologies.
This is the web site of Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA).
Before any visit, please notify us by email or phone.
We can be reached via e-mail at support@ukrainianfiancee.com
For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes no information regarding the domain or e-mail address.
Upon registration, the users agree to receive news and notification from UFMA Team by email that was specified during the registration.
We collect user-specific information on what pages consumers access or visit.
The information we collect is used to notify consumers about updates to our Web site, used by us to contact consumers for marketing purposes.
With respect to cookies: We use cookies to record session information, such as items that consumers add to their shopping cart.
If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending us e-mail at the above address.
With respect to Ad Servers: We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies.
From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the policy changes to our Web site to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our Web site periodically.
Customers may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by e-mailing us at the above address.
Upon request we provide site visitors with access to unique identifier information (e.g., customer number or password) that we maintain about them, transaction information (e.g., dates on which customers made purchases, amounts and types of purchases) that we maintain about them, communications that the consumer/visitor has directed to our site (e.g., e-mails, customer inquiries).
Consumers can access this information by e-mail us at the above address.
Upon request we offer visitors the ability to have inaccuracies corrected in contact information.
Consumers can have this information corrected by sending us e-mail at the above address.
With respect to security: When we transfer and receive certain types of sensitive information such as financial or health information, we redirect visitors to a secure server and will notify visitors through a pop-up screen on our site.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.
These Terms of Use and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of The United Kingdom.
Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by courts of The United Kingdom.
For any questions please contact us:
Email: support@ukrainianfiancee.com
Phone+Viber: +380689532870
UK phone: +447480539454
USA phone: +1-888-323-59-49
Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA)
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